5t simple crane with main girder promotion and demotion

After Longhui desingers hard effort, the simple crane with promotion and demotion has been manufactured which filled a blank in domestic crane application area. There always be unovercome obstacles (more or less) during operation of the crane which block usual crane application. For the above, the simple crane resolved the problem of overcoming obstacles.
最大设计吨位5t。Maximum design capacity 5 tons
最大跨度10米。Maximum span 10 meters
最大起升高度10米。Maximum lift height 10 meters
最大可升降高度1.5米,总起升高度的三分之一。Maximum promotion and demotion height 1.5 meters, 1/3 of the total lift height.
Shandong Longhui Hoisting Machinery CO.,LTD Website: http://www.lhqzj.com
E-mail: longhui@188.com