BCD型.防爆钢丝绳电动葫芦 BCD type steel wire rope explosion proof hoist

起重量:0.5t-16t 起升高度:6m-30m 工作级别:M3,防爆等级,Ex,dⅡBT4
BCD型防爆电动葫芦是根据我国最新防爆标准设计制造的防爆起重设备,其防爆型式为"隔爆型",该葫芦的外露防爆零部件采用特殊的无火花材料制成,防爆性能安全可靠。产品通过了机械工业部防爆电气产品质量监督检验中心佳木斯分中心的防爆性能检测,并颁发防爆合格证;BCD1型防爆电动葫芦主要适用于I类和II类A.B级,温度组别为T1--T4组的各种爆炸危险场所;防爆等级:ExdⅡBT4。 防爆钢丝绳电动葫芦根据GB3836.1-2000《爆炸性气体环境用防爆电气设备 第一部分:通用要求》及 GB3836.2-2000《爆炸性气体环境用防爆电气设备 第二部分:隔爆型"d"》的规定,电机、电器为隔爆型,防爆级别为ExdⅡCT4时,运行机构进行防火花处理。整机符合JB/T10222-2001《防爆钢丝绳电动葫芦》的规定,防爆等级分别为ExdⅡBT4、ExdⅡCT4。本机可与车间固定悬挂轨道配合单独使用,也可与LXB防爆电动悬挂单梁、LB防爆电动单梁、防爆葫芦双梁配套使用。其起重量为1t-32t。工作环境温度为-25℃~40℃。 HB型防爆钢丝绳电动葫芦适用于工厂内具有防爆级别不高于B级或C级,引燃温度组别不低于T4(135℃)组的可燃性气体、蒸汽与空气形成的爆炸性气体环境中,所适用的危险区域为1区或2区,不适用于0区。
注:0区:在正常情况下,爆炸性气体混合物连续地、短时间频繁地出现或长时间存在的场所。 1区:在正常情况下,爆炸性气体混合物有可能出现的场所。 2区:在正常情况下,爆炸性气体混合物不能出现,仅在不正常情况下既有可能发生设备故障或误操作情况下,偶尔短时间出现的场所。 防爆钢丝绳电动葫芦所适用的危险气体举例见下表,未列入表内的其它危险气体见GB3836.1之附录。
技术规格表 Technical Specifications
BCD型-防爆钢丝绳电动葫芦-图片资料 Picture Information

Scope of application Weight: 0.5 t - 16 t lifting height: level of 6 m to 30 m work: M3, explosion-proof grade, Ex, d Ⅱ BT4 Product description: BCD type explosion-proof electric hoist is according to the latest explosion protection standard design and manufacture of hoisting equipment, explosion-proof type of flameproof, the gourd exposed explosion-proof components adopts special sparkless material, safe and reliable explosion-proof performance.Products by the ministry of machine building explosion-proof electrical products quality supervision and inspection center of jiamusi sub-center explosion-proof performance testing, and issue the flame-proof certification;BCD1 type explosion-proof electric hoist is mainly suitable for class I and class II grade a., different kind of temperature classes T1, T4 group explosive dangerous location;Explosion-proof level such as: Exd Ⅱ BT4.Explosion-proof electric hoist wire rope according to GB3836.1-2000 "explosive gas environment with explosion-proof electrical equipment Part 1: general requirements and GB3836.2-2000 "explosive gas environment with explosion-proof electrical equipment The second part: the flameproof "d" "regulation, for the flameproof motors, electrical appliances, explosion-proof level for Exd Ⅱ CT4, fire operation agencies spent processing.Machine in accordance with JB/T10222-2001 with the law against the exploding wire rope electric hoist, explosion-proof grade respectively Exd Ⅱ BT4, Exd Ⅱ CT4.This machine can be used alone, with fixed suspension track or hung single beam LB and liu xiaobo explosion-proof electric explosion-proof electric single-girder, explosion-proof hoist double beam systems.The weight of 1 t - 32 t.Working environment temperature is 25 ℃ and 40 ℃.HB type explosion-proof wire rope electric hoist is applicable to the factory with explosion-proof level is not higher than B level or C level, ignition temperature classes not under T4 (135 ℃) group of combustible gas, steam and air form the explosive gas environment, applicable to the danger zone for 1 or 2 area, does not apply to 0. Note: 0 area: under normal circumstances, explosive gas mixture continuously, frequent short time or long time. 1 area: under normal circumstances, the possible sites with explosive air mixture. 2 area: under normal circumstances, explosive gas mixture can not appear, only under the condition of abnormal both possible equipment failure or incorrect operation case, once in a short time.
Manufacture License of Special Equipment People's Republic of China

山东龙辉起重机械有限公司 http://www.lhqzj.com
售前咨询:4008760789 售后服务:0538-7442749 传真:0538-7442599,电子邮箱:longhui@188.com
Shandong Longhui Hoisting Machinery CO.,LTD Website: http://www.lhqzj.com