YZ型冶金通用桥式起重机,天车,行车, 更多产品图片>>
YZ type 500/100t metallurgical general overhead crane ,more product images>>

产品说明 Product Description
冶金起重机:是制依靠沿厂房轨道方向的纵向移动、小车的横向移动和吊钩的升降运动来进行工作。适用于金属冶炼车间,符合JB/T7688.1-95及JB/T7688.15-95标准的用于吊运熔融金属的专用起重机。冶金起重机应用 一般适用于-10℃到+50℃的环境温度,在40℃的温度下相对湿度不超过50?,所吊运的熔融金属对锻钩、板钩的辐射温度不超过300℃。工作级别:A7、A8用于相对繁忙的冶金铸造车间YZ型-冶金桥式起重机,天车,行车, 适用范围 冶金起重机主要适用于金属冶炼、扎制和热加工等的专用起重机。其中包括平炉加料桥式起重机,天车,行车,、地面加料起重机、料箱起重机、脱锭起重机、整模起重机、揭盖起重机、夹钳起重机、板坯翻转起重机、锻造起重机、加热炉装取料起重机、料箱-电磁起重机、料箱-抓斗起重机。其他类似的冶金起重机也可参照使用 。 编辑本段使用环境条件 冶金起重机(以下简称起重机)的设计、制造应符合GB3811、本标准和产品图样的有关规定。 1.环境条件 1.1 起重机的电源一般为三相交流,频率为50Hz,电压为380V。电动机和电器上允许电压波动的上限为额定电压的+10%,下限(尖峰电流时)为额定电压的-15%,其中起重机的内部电压损失,对脱锭起重机、夹钳起重机、具有导架的整模起重机和板坯翻转起重机不超过5%,本标准中其他类型的起重机应不超过4%。如电源有特殊要求时,可按用户需要,由供需双方协商确定。 1.2 起重机安装使用地点的海拔高度不超过2000m(超过1000m时应按GB755的有关规定对电动机容量进行校核). 1.3 起重机的工作环境温度和湿度 a. 起重机的工作环境温度一般为-10~+50℃。b. 在+40℃的温度下相对湿度不超过50%。 1.4 使用起重机的场地不得有易燃、易爆以及腐蚀性气体并应符合有关标准和文件的规定. 1.5 起重机运行轨道的安装一般应符合GB10183的要求,如遇特殊情况可按需要另行规定.
YZ桥式起重机,天车,行车,适用于厂矿、企业的车间、仓库等,在室内或露天的固定跨间作一般装卸及起重运输工作。 本机按使用繁忙程度分为中级与重级两种工作制度;中级适用于机械加工,金属结构,装配等车间;重级适用于冶炼车间和参加连续生产的搬运工作。 本机由箱形桥架,大车运行机构、小车、电气设备四部分构成。全部机构均在操作室内操纵。 露天使用时,带有防雨设备。
技术规格表 Technical Specifications
名称 Title |
单位 Unit |
最大规格 Specs |
额定起重量 Load: |
Gn |
80T,100T,125T,160T,200T,250T,320T,500T |
跨度 Span: |
S |
7.5m-30m |
提升高度 Lifting Height: |
H |
6m-30m |
工作电源 Power source |
3p A.C 50HZ 380V |
工作级别 Class: |
jc |
A7,A8 |
注:Gn=额定起重吨位 S=跨度(左轨道中心至右轨道中心的距离) H=提升高度(地面至吊钩最高点的距离)
Technical Specifications
Title |
Unit |
Specs |
Load: |
Gn |
80T,100T,125T,160T,200T,250T,320T,500T |
Span: |
S |
7.5m-30m |
Lifting Height: |
H |
6m-30m |
Power source |
3p A.C 50HZ 380V |
Class: |
jc |
A7,A8 |
The environmental conditions.
1. Crane power supply general for three-phase ac,50 hz, the voltage is 380 v.Allowed on the motor and electrical voltage fluctuation has an upper limit of the rated voltage of + 10%, the lower limit (peak current) to 15% of rated voltage,the internal voltage loss of the crane, clamp crane crane, with guide of the whole die slab flip crane crane and no more than 5%, other types of cranes in this standard shall be no more than 4%.When power if there is any special requirement, can according to user needs, be determined by supply and demand both sides talks things over.
2. Crane installation location of altitude does not exceed 2000 m (more than 1000 m should be according to the relevant provisions of the GB755 to check motor capacity). 3. The crane working environment temperature and humidity a. crane working environment temperature is commonly - 10 ~ + 50 ℃.B. under the temperature of + 40 ℃ relative humidity less than 50%.
4. Use crane site must not have inflammable, explosive, corrosive gas and shall comply with the provisions of the relevant standards and documents. 5.The orbits of the crane installation shall comply with the requirements of GB10183 commonly, in case of special circumstances shall be stipulated separately as required. YZ bridge crane, crown rauck,travelling crane, suitable for factories and mines, enterprises workshop, warehouse, etc.in indoor or outdoor fixed across intercropping general loading and unloading and lifting transportation work. The machine by using the busy degree is divided into the intermediate and heavy level two working system;Intermediate is suitable for machining, metal structure, such as assembly workshop;Heavy grade is suitable for smelting workshop and for continuous production of handling work. This machine by the box bridge, the cart running mechanism, vehicles, electrical equipment, four parts.All institutions in the operating room controlling. Outdoor use, with rainproof equipment. Z 75-500 tons of suspension bridge type crane, crane, crane, is to adopt the international advanced standard series of products.The whole novel structure, beautiful modelling, good in usability, smooth operation is flexible, safe and reliable.
山东龙辉起重机械有限公司 http://www.lhqzj.com
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关键词:起重机- 山东起重机- 起重机设备- 起重机械- 门式起重机- 桥式起重机- 冶金起重机- 防爆起重机- 台湾禹鼎遥控器- 天车行车- 单梁起重机- 双梁起重机- 旋臂起重机- 悬挂起重机 |