QA型 通用桥式起重机,天车,行车,(电磁) 技术规格表 产品图片 QA type general overhead crane (magnetic)technical parameter form Product images 电磁起重机 产品说明 Product Description特点: QA型 通用桥式起重机,天车,行车,(电磁)QA型5-15吨-电磁桥式起重机,天车,行车,带有可装卸的电磁盘,特别适用于冶金工厂在室内或露天的固定跨度间较繁重的装卸及搬运具有磁性的黑色金属制品与材料。在机械厂、库房也常用来搬运钢料、铁屑等物料。 利用电磁原理搬运钢铁物品的机器。电磁起重机的主要部分是磁铁。接通电流,电磁铁便把钢铁物品牢牢吸住,吊运到指定的地方。切断电流,磁性消失,钢铁物品就放下来了。电磁起重机使用十分方便,但必须有电流才可以使用,可以应用在废钢铁回收部门和炼钢车间等。 利用电磁铁来搬运钢铁材料的装置叫做电磁起重机。电磁起重机能产生强大的磁场力,几十吨重的铁片、铁丝、铁钉、废铁和其他各种铁料,不装箱不打包也不用捆扎,就能很方便地收集和搬运,不但操作省力,而且工作简化了。装在木箱中的钢铁材料和机器可以同样搬运。起重机工作时,只要电磁铁线圈里电流不停,被吸起的重物就不会落下,看不见的磁力比坚固的链条更可靠。如果因某种原因断了电,就会造成事故,因而有的电磁起重机上装有钢爪,待运送的重物提起后,坚固的钢爪就自动落下来紧紧地扣住它们。起重机不能搬运灼热的铁块,因为高温的钢铁不能磁化。大的电磁起重机,一下子能提起近百吨重物,图中的电磁铁直径约1.5米,可提起16吨的物体。2008年 2 月21日中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局颁布的《起重机械安全技术监察规程-桥式起重机》第六十六条 电磁起重机的起重电磁铁应当由专用电路供电。电磁起重机工作时因失电,其吊运的物品坠落可能造成危害时,必须能够保证电磁吸盘供电。
注:Gn=额定起重吨位 S=跨度(左轨道中心至右轨道中心的距离) H=提升高度(地面至吊钩最高点的距离) Product Description Features: QA-General bridge crane, crown block,travelling crane, QA type 5-15 tons (electromagnetic) - electromagnetism bridge crane, crown block,travelling crane,with electromagnetic chuck that can be loaded and unloaded, especially suitable for metallurgical plants in indoor or outdoor fixed span frequently load and handle magnetic black metal products and materials with magnetism.In machinery factory, warehouse,it is commonly used to move steel materials, iron and other materials. This machine is composed of box bridge, supporting institution, the trolley, grab,electrical equipment, all institutions is controlled in operating house.Please with rainproof equipment when the machine works outdoor. Using the electromagnetic principle handling steel items machine .The main part of the electromagnetic crane is a magnet.The current switched on, the electromagnet steel items firmly absorb the steel materials, hanging to the designated place.Cut off the current, the magnetic disappeared, steel items went down.Electromagnetic crane use is very convenient, but it only can be used with current,it also can be used in the iron and steel scrap recycling sector and steelmaking workshop, etc.
Gn=Rated lifting tonnage S=span H=hoisting height 中华人民共和国特种设备制造许可证 Manufacture License of Special Equipment People's Republic of China
山东龙辉起重机械有限公司 Shandong Longhui Hoisting Machinery CO.,LTD Website: 售 |