MHS型 电动葫芦门式起重机(双主梁) 产品图片 MHS type electric hoist gantry crane (double girder) Product images MHS型 电动葫芦门式起重机(双主梁)/ 产品说明 product description机型常规配置:地操或室操,单速或双速钢丝绳葫芦,大、小车可采用单速鼠笼电机或绕线电机。司机室分开式和闭式两种。工作级别:A3~A4,工作环境温度-200C~+400C。本机型不推荐用于吊运赤热、熔化的金属,或有毒危险物品;不宜用于有防爆、绝缘要求的工作环境。
注:Gn=额定起重吨位 S=跨度(左轨道中心至右轨道中心的距离) H=提升高度(地面至吊钩最高点的距离) MHS型 电动葫芦门式起重机(双主梁) 技术规格表 Technical SpecificationsManufacture License of Special Equipment People's Republic of China Machine general options:on ground or room, single or double speed wire rope hoist,big or small trolley should use single speed squirrel-cage motor or motor winding. The driver chamber include open and close . Level of job: A3 and A4, working environment temperature - 20℃~ + 40℃.This version is not recommended for lifting overheated, molten metal, or toxic dangerous goods;it is not suited for the condition which has the requirement that explosion-proof and insulation. Other configuration choosed by users: 1, Single and double speed chain hoist, or other types of bottle gourd 2, Remote control can be realized when it is equipped with wireless remote control. 3, A level or stepless regulation will be realized when the big or small trolley is equipped with traneducer. 4, To prevent the rain and wind, please declare when it is used outdoor. 5, Other practicable configuration plan proposed by the user.
Gn=Rated lifting tonnage S=span H=hoisting height MHS型 电动葫芦门式起重机(双主梁) 成功案例 Success ful Cases 为山东临沂国凯商贸有限公司设计制造的 MHS32/5T型 电动葫芦门式起重机A MHS32/5T type electric hoist crane has been designed and manufactured for Shandong Linyin Guokai commerce and trade co.,ltd. 山东龙辉起重机械有限公司 Shandong Longhui Hoisting Machinery CO.,LTD Website: