怎样为滑触线选型怎样为滑触线选型 一、影响滑触线选型的因素:环境(湿度、室内或室外、腐蚀、粉尘等)、工作温度、安装空间、载流量和电压及运行速度等等。 二、各类滑线适用条件: 1.多级管式滑线HXTS/L (1)特点 集多极母线于一根塑料导管中,最多可达16极,外壳防护等级为IP23级,防雨雪冰冻,防异物触及。集电器移动灵活,定向性能好,能有效的控制接触电弧和串弧现象,同时成本低,结构紧凑,安装方便。 单根滑线的标准长度为4米。 (2)适用条件
产品单极制造,可任意组合成多级。采用标准支架组合装悬吊,安装方便。极与极间的爬电距离较大,即使在湿度较大的场合也可以使用。集电器的散热性能好,运行速度高。滑线的单极载流量大,可满足大电流的移动受电设备。 单根滑线的标准长度为6米。 (2)适用条件
(1)特点 产品单极制造,可任意组合成多级。采用标准组装板整体组装,结构方便。主要适用在立体化仓库、流水线、电动葫芦及自行小车等场合。集电器的散热性能好,运行速度较高。与单极组合式滑线相比,该滑线的单极载流量较小。 单根滑线的标准长度为5米。 (2)适用条件
(1)特点 该滑线是一种适用异常高温等恶劣环境的滑线输电装置,分低压型和高压型两种。广泛用于炼焦、炼钢、铸造等高温场合。 a 运行可靠,不会发生电源断电故障; b 适用于高温、高粉尘、高腐蚀气体等恶劣环境; c 机械强度大,不易弯曲变形,能耐受强大的短路冲击电流; d 采用铜制导体,可大幅度降低电能损耗; e 可通过添加辅助电缆的方式来减小电抗; f 结构合理,散热面积大,安装方便; g 特殊规格的滑线可订制。 (2)适用条件
电缆滑车在多种环境下,如室内、室外、多尘、多灰、温差较大及具有一定防爆要求的等场合均能正常工作,移动馈电更可靠、安全。圆电缆和扁电缆均可使用,运行速度较高。 (2)适用条件
(1)特点 这滑车比较显著的特点是I(H)型钢刚度大,承载能力强,安装方便,运行平稳,噪音低。同时还配有电动滑车,使其和牵引设备保持相同的运行速度, 以降低其在运行过程中对电缆的损伤。尤其适用在电缆比较宽或者比较重的情况下,更能体现它的优越性。其在室内、室外、多尘、多灰。温差较大的场合均能正常 工作。 (2)适用条件
XQL系列电缆桥架适用于电压在10千伏以下的电力电缆,以及控制电缆、照明配线等室内、室外架空电缆沟、隧道的敷设。 预备知识 一、滑线的选型必须提供的参数如下: 工作环境:如粉尘、腐蚀、温度等; 环境温度:现场全年最高气温,最低气温; 负载情况:伏在率,各负载的额定功率,功率因子及各负载的运行情况; 安装要求:空间大小,安装方式(如地沟式还是架空式等),运行速度等; 电压降要求:这里指分担在滑线上的电压损失; 其他方面的要求:信号干扰等。 二、选型计算 1.不同的已知条件,有不同的算法,这里选择两种情况计算: ●已知用电设备或起重机的各点击功率 (1)滑线载流量的选择 必须保证相应滑线载流量In不小于总计算额定电流ING,即In≥ING ,ING=ΣIN 额定计算电流IN的选用见下表
a 根据使用条件(如安装环境、运行速度等)选择滑线的型号; b 根据总计算额定电流ING,选择相应截面的滑线。 (3)负载计算电流的计算 负载计算电流的大小直接影响电压降的结果,其算法有很多种(有的资料按尖峰电流计算),本公司根据多年的经验及参考国内外相关行业的算法,采用以下算法进行计算: IG=ΣIA+ΣIN IA:启动电流[A] IN:额定电流[A] IA和IN的确定按下表进行计算
2.如果仅仅知道安装的设备总共率时,可按下述方法对滑线进行选型计算 (1)单台起重机的祭祀安功率按下式计算: PK=PG乘fR [KW] PK:单台用电设备或起重机的计算功率 [KW] PG:该起重机的总共率(已知) [KW] fR:起重机工况系数,取决于起重机起重冲击情况和工作频率。见下表
PGK=fa×ΣPK [KW] fa:同时系数,指用电设备同时工作的系数,起重机同时工作的系数按下表进行选择
(3)总负载计算电流IG的计算 PGK:计算总共率 [KW] UN:额定电压 [V] COSφ:功率因数 (4)根据总负载计算电流IG,选择滑线型号,然后对电压降进行校核。 1)环境温度变化对电压降的影响 我们提供的相关技术参数时环境温度为40℃时的结果,若工作环境温度超过40℃时,电压降应按下式进行换算 △U:电压降 [V] △U40℃:40℃时的电压降 [V] UN:额定电压 [V] Fv:电压热变系数,其值见下表:
Ideal for all kinds of applications of : ? Cranes ? Monorails ? Automated Storage ? Retrieval Systems ? Mining Equipment ? Amusement Park Rides / T rams CAUTION MAKE CERT AIN POWER SUPPL Y IS DISCON- NECTED BEFORE INST ALLING, REP AIRING, OR WORKING IN THE PROXIMITY OF ANY ELECTRICAL SYSTEM, ONL Y QUALIFIED ELECTRICAL PERSONNEL SHOULD INST ALL OR REP AIR THESE PRODUCTS. 3-Pole Continuous T ype (50/75/100/150A) I -Single Pole Continuous T ype (200A) W -Single Pole T ype (320 / 520A) 4-Pole Continuous T ype (50/75/100/150A) 6-Pole Continuous T ype (50/75A) HARD WORK TQC SI TQC SI TQC SI TQC SI J A S - A N Z ISO 9001 Insulated Conductor Rails/Bars < English > I NDEX I NDEX 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8-9 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 12 12 12 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 22-23 13 14-17 Safety Current T able of Conductor Wire Assembling Characteristic of Conductor Metal Conversion T able of Horse Power 【 】 【 】 3P .4P .6P Insulated Conductor Rails & Export Packing 3P .4P .6P End T ension & Power In 3P .4P .6P Hanger Clamp 3P .4P .6P Insulated Conductor Rails 3P .4P .6P Current Collector 3P .4P .6P Collector 3P .4P .6P Middle Power Feeding 3P .4P .6P Supports 3P .4P .6P Fix Square Bar 3P .4P .6P Insulated Conductor Rails Outline Design 3P .4P .6P Insulated Conductor Rails Supports Design 【 】 【 】 I -T ype Insulated Conductor Rails & Export Packing I -T ype End T ension & Power In I -T ype Hanger Clamp I -T ype Insulated Conductor Rails I -T ype Collector Shoe I -T ype Collector I -T ype Middle Power Feeding I -T ype Fixed End Insulator I -T ype Insulator Hanger I -T ype Insulated Conductor Rails Outline Design I -T ype Insulated Conductor Rails Supports Design 【 】 【 】 W -T ype Insulated Conductor Rails & Export Packing W -T ype Insulated Conductor Rails W -T ype Hanger Clamp W -T ype Rails Connector W -T ype Power Feed W -T ype End Cap W -T ype Anchor Clamp W -T ype Collector Shoe W -T ype Collector W -T ype Insulated Conductor Rails Outline Design W -T ype Insulated Conductor Rails Supports Design Safety Current T able of Copper Busbar H.P . 230V 460V 575V 1/2 3/4 1 1-1/2 2 3 5 7-1/2 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 125 150 200 2 2.8 3.6 5.2 6.8 9.6 15.2 22 28 42 54 68 80 104 130 154 192 248 312 360 480 1 1.4 1.8 2.6 3.4 4.8 7.6 1 1 14 21 27 34 40 52 65 77 96 124 156 180 240 .6 1.1 1.4 2.1 2.7 3.9 6.1 9 1 1 17 22 27 32 41 52 62 77 99 125 144 192 Density 3 (g/cm) o 20C 10.5 8.9 19.3 2.7 0.97 19.3 10.2 7.14 8.9 7.86 21.45 7.35 1 1.37 13.55 960.5 1083 1063 660 97.8 3370 2600 419.4 1452 1535 1755 232 327.5 -38.9 147 196 98 78 - 1079 882 147 392 245 147 24.5 15.7 - 0.0162 0.0172 0.0240 0.0282 0.0460 0.0548 0.0558 0.0610 0.0690 0.100 0.105 0.1 14 0.219 0.958 3.80 3.93 3.40 4.03 5.40 4.50 4.70 3.70 6.00 5.00 3.00 4.20 3.90 0.89 106 100 71.6 61.0 37.4 31.4 30.8 28.2 24.9 17.2 16.4 15.1 7.9 1.8 Spec. mm Dimension 2 mm W eight kg / m 80 1 10 145 170 205 245 280 330 380 440 505 600 710 830 955 1,080 o 60C Insulator o 75C Insulator o 80C Insulator o 90C Insulator 1.6 2.0 2.6 7/0.6 7/0.8 7/1.0 7/1.2 7/1.6 7/2.0 7/2.3 7/2.6 19/1.8 19/2.0 19/2.3 19/2.6 19/2.9 37/2.3 37/2.6 61/2.3 61/2.6 61/2.9 61/3.2 20 30 40 20 30 40 55 80 100 125 145 175 200 230 270 310 360 425 505 590 680 765 2.0 3.5 5.5 8 14 22 30 38 50 60 80 100 125 150 200 250 325 400 500 65 95 125 150 180 210 240 285 330 380 440 520 615 720 825 930 70 100 135 160 190 220 250 300 350 400 460 550 650 760 870 985 1 HARD WORK ꘀ S a f e t y C u r r e n t T a b l e o f C o p p e r B u s b a r ꘀ C h a r a c t e r i s t i c o f C o n d u c t o r M e t a l ꘀ C o n v e r s i o n T a b l e o f H o r s e P o w e r Conductor Allowable Current Material No. of Conductor Wire per Phase D.C. A.C. Copper Busbar 15x2 20x2 20x3 20x5 25x3 25x5 30x3 30x5 30x5 40x5 40x5 40x10 40x10 50x5 50x5 50x10 50x10 60x5 60x8 60x10 60x10 60x10 80x10 80x10 80x10 80x10 100x10 100x10 100x10 100x10 120x10 120x10 120x10 120x10 φ 10 φ 12 φ 16 φ 20 φ 20/14 φ 30/15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 40 60 100 75 125 90 150 300 200 400 400 800 250 500 500 1000 300 480 600 1200 1800 800 1600 2400 3200 1000 2000 3000 4000 1200 2400 3600 4800 78.5 1 18 201 313 160 255 0.27 0.36 0.54 0.89 0.67 1.12 0.80 1.34 2.68 1.78 3.56 3.56 7.12 2.23 4.45 4.45 8.92 2.67 4.28 5.34 10.68 16.02 7.12 14.24 21.37 28.48 8.9 17.8 26.7 35.6 10.7 21.4 32.1 42.8 0.706 1.02 1.81 2.82 1.42 2.27 130 175 220 285 250 325 305 370 700 420 860 715 1400 590 1 150 875 1700 700 875 1000 1850 2900 1300 2300 3400 4500 1650 1825 3950 5250 2100 3700 5200 6600 205 400 540 400 580 130 175 220 285 250 325 305 370 670 420 800 715 1230 585 1030 875 1600 700 875 1000 1790 2540 1300 2240 3310 4250 1650 2735 3770 5010 1920 3100 4000 5280 205 400 540 400 580 Copper Bars Copper T ubes ꘀ S a f e t y C u r r e n t T a b l e o f C o n d u c t o r W i r e A s s e m b l i n g Copper Conductor Wire Category of Conductor Wire Dimension 2 mm No. of Wire / Diameter mm Ampere Capacity (A) Single Wire Strand Wire o It could af fect the conductor wire safety current if the ambient temperature is over 35C Name Symbol Melting Point o (C) T ensile Strength (Mpa) Resistance Rate 2 ( . mm/m) o 20C Ω 1 Conductor Rate (% IACS) o 20C Resistance T emperature Coef ficient -3o -1 (X10 C ) o 20C Ag Cu Au Al Na W Mo Zn Ni Fe Pt Sn Pb Hg Silver Copper Gold Aluminum Sodium T ungsten Molybdenum Zinc Nickel Iron Platinum T in Lead Mercury Full Load Current T able of 3 Phase Alternating Current (A.C.) T o select the proper current (Ampere) of Insulated Conductor Rails and Current Collector , please check the steps below : 1. Calculate the total motor's Horse Power (H.P .) required. (ex. 10 H.P .) 2. Make sure the rated voltage (A.C.). (ex. 230V) 3. Check the above Conversion T able of Horse Power to get the current. (ex. 28 Ampere) ▓ 6P (6 Pole / Phase) 50A. 75A (6P is used for 3 Phase R.S.T . & 3 Main Motors) ▓ 4P (4 Pole / Phase) 50A. 75A. 100A. 150A (4P is used for 3 Phase R.S.T & GROUND) ▓ 3P (3 Pole / Phase) 50A .75A. 100A. 150A (3P is used for 3 Phase R.S.T .) 3P .4P .6P Insulated Conductor Rails 3P .4P .6P 3P .4P .6P Insulated Conductor Rails Insulated Conductor Rails 3P .4P .6P Insulated Conductor Rails 2 T ype 3P 4P 6P Meter/Reel 1000 Meters/Reel 800 Meters/Reel 600 Meters/Reel Standard Export Packing Illustration for 3P .4P .6P Standard Export Packing ꘀ End T ension & Power In Part No . H300 H400 H600 3P 4P 6P 1 15 134 180 100 100 100 90 1 10 150 T ype W eight (kg) A B C 1.38 1.53 1.68 ꘀ Hanger Clamp 3P (50A/75A/100A) 3P (150A) 4P (50A/75A/100A) 4P (150A) 6P (50A/75A) Part No . H30105 H301 15 H40105 H401 15 H60105 0.071 0.071 0.075 0.075 0.088 70 70 88 88 130 8.2 8.7 8.2 8.7 8.3 56 56 75 75 1 16 63 63 82 82 126 T ype W eight (kg) A B D C 3 M10 102 350 C A B M10 D C M10X30 B A 4 0 HARD WORK |