水电站启闭机 hydropower station crane  移动式启闭机类型繁多,主要有: ①按吊具移动的方向分为单向移动启闭机和双向移动启闭机。前者吊具仅沿坝面线左右移动;后者不仅沿坝轴线方向左右移动,而且也能上、下游方向移动。 单向移动式启闭机的主提升机构直接紧固在台车或门形构架的上平面上;双向移动式启闭机的主提升机构设置在台车或门形构架上平面的小车上,小车沿轨道行走的方向与台车或门形构架的移动方向成垂直。通常也称双向移动式的台车或门形构架为大车架。 ②按移动架状况分为台车移动式启闭机与门形移动式启闭机(亦称门式启闭机、门式起重机)。前者主提升机构设置在底部装行走车轮的平面构架式台车上;后者的启闭机主提升机构设置在装有行走车轮的门形构架上。 台车式移动启闭机通常行走在闸门门槽顶部平面或平面以上的混凝土排架上,门式移动启闭机仅行走在闸门门槽顶部平面上。门式启闭机门架腿上有时也设回转式悬臂吊钩以便起吊其他设备,从而构成多用途门形移动式启闭机中国已生产的移动式启闭机,主提升吊具启门力达5000kN,升程为140m。苏联萨扬舒申斯克水电站移动式启闭机启门力达7100kN,升程为17.5m。 Mobile crane type is various, mainly include: (1) According to the spreader moving direction,divided into one-way mobile hoist and two-way mobile hoist.The former spreader move only along the dam surface line around;the latter not only moving around along the dam axis direction but also upstream or downstream. One-way mobile hoist main hoisting mechanism of fastening on the trolley or portal frame directly in the plane;two-way mobile hoist main hoisting mechanism set up in the trolley of car or portal frame, the direction of car along the orbit is vertical to the moving direction of trolley or the portal frame.Usually also call two-way mobile trolley or portal frame as the big frame. (2) According to the condition of moving frame,divided into car travelling crane or door form mobile crane (also called gantry hoist, gantry crane).The former main hoisting mechanism set in the bottom of the walking wheel of plane framed;the latter main hoisting set in the portal frame equipped with moving wheel. Pallet car mobile hoist usually walk on top of gate slot plane or the concrete bent on the top of plane,gantry mobile hoist only walk on top of gate slot plane.Sometimes the leg of gantry mobile hoist set rotary cantilever hook to hang other equipment which constitute a multi-purpose portal mobile hoist. The mobile crane China produced, the main promotion spreader 5000 kn, lifting height 140 m.Soviet SaYangShu sessions, hydropower station, mobile hoist 7100 kn, lifting height 17.5 m.
Shandong Longhui Hoisting Machinery CO.,LTD
Website: http://www.lhqzj.com
E-mail: longhui@188.com