岸桥:指岸边集装箱起重机,集装箱运输船舶的大型化的发展,对岸边集装箱起重机提出了更新更高的要求,岸边集装箱起重机小车和大梁结构型式的选择历来有不同的做法,美国公司通常采用半牵引式小车和双箱形梁型式;欧洲公司偏爱载重小车和单箱形梁型式;亚洲公司较多采用牵引式小车和板式单梁型式。 Quay crane here refers to the quay container crane, the large scale development of container ship which put forward updated and higher requirements for quay container crane. For the choice of crane trolley and main girder structure of quay crane, there always be different types: US companies would adopt semi towed trolley and double box girder type, European companies would prefer trolley and single box girder type, Asian companies would likely adopt towed trolley and board single girder type 岸桥(quay crane):又称为岸边集装箱起重机、桥吊,是用来在岸边对船舶上的集装箱进行装卸的设备。 Quay crane , alse called quay container crane, bridge crande, which placed at shore is used for loading and unloading containers on ship. |